About HEP IS

This web site is the new consolidated home of the following applications, managed by the Office of Postsecondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education.

Grant Eligibility Application (GEA)

Institutions are eligible to apply for grants if they meet specific statutory and regulatory eligibility requirements. An institution of higher education (IHE) that is designated as an eligible institution may also receive a waiver of certain non-Federal cost-sharing requirements for one year.

Institutional Service Annual Performance Report (IS APR)

The annual performance report data collection website for Title III and Title V grants managed by the Institutional Service group within the Higher Education Programs division of the Office of Postsecondary Education.

Title III and V grant programs are designed to improve academic quality, institutional management and fiscal stability, and strengthen physical plants and endowments of institutions of higher education, with an emphasis on institutions that enroll large proportions of minority and financially disadvantaged students.

Endowment Financial Reporting System (EFRS)

Note to Title III and Title V Grantees that have Endowment as an Activity:

The Endowment Fund Corpus amount may change from year to year if you elected to use Federal funds for endowment building more than one year of your five year grant period and added to the original corpus rather than creating a different account for each drawdown. For example, if in year one you raised and matched $50,000 of Federal funds and you invested $100,000 to form the endowment corpus, then in year two you elected to raise and match $25,000 of Federal funds for a total of $50,000 and decided to add this $50,000 to the original $100,000, your corpus then changes from $100,000 to $150,000. However, if you have chosen to develop a separate endowment corpus for each year, you must report on each individual investment separately, by completing a submission for each. In this instance, denote each separate endowment activity by adding an alphabetic character to the end of the grant award. For example if your original grant was P031A980001 and you created three separate endowment activities with this grant the correct report naming convention for these endowment would be: P031A980001a, P031A980001b, and P031A980001c.

Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)

The FIPSE database is a publically searchable database with information about current and past FIPSE competitive grant projects and non-competitive Congressionally-directed grants (earmarks) that FIPSE manages. The database contains project abstracts, project director contact information, award amounts, grant funding dates, subject areas, and links to any project Web sites that have been established by grantees. The database is searchable by programs, subjects, institutions, state, zip code, funding year, organization and institution type, and institutional special designations. Key word and phrase searching are also available. The FIPSE database is located at http://fipsedatabase.ed.gov. Current project directors will be given a password to access the secure side of the database where they can file annual and final reports and manage activities related to their grants.